Authors |
Malyy Aleksandr Fedorovich, Doctor of juridical sciences, professor, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, sub-department of constitutional and administrative law, Kazan (Volga) Federal University (18 Kremlyovskaya street, Kazan, Russia), E-mail:
Agishev Rustyam Aipovich, Lecturer, sub-department of law and entrepreneurship, Povolzhsky Cooperative Institute (branch) of Russian University of Cooperation (24 Krasnoarmeyskaya street, Engels, Saratov region, Russia), E-mail:
Abstract |
Background. In the policy of the modern Russian state, a special attention is paid to social problems. Their decision is associated not only with financial expenditures, but also with general strengthening of attention to protection of social, economic and other rights and freedoms. Such protection is provided by the whole system of state bodies and institutions and by nongovernmental public formations. Among them, a special place is taken by specialized institutions: the Commission for Human Rights and the ombudsman. Their formation in Russia took place on the basis of the international experience. These institutions continue to develop thus giving the grounds for assessment of their activity and identification of development regularities.
Materials and methods. For the research, doctrinal and standard legal sources were used that allowed to develop the contents of the article. The comparative approach gave the chance to show the place of the human rights institutions under consideration in the system of bodies of the state. The legallistic method promoted definition of legal capacities of the ombudsman in the solution of the tasks faced by this person.
Results. The influence of the practice of the foreign states on the formation of the human rights mechanism in Russia is shown. This experience is important as Russia is trying to find a way to create a mechanism of identification of violations of civil rights and to construct a more effective system of protection of the violated rights. It is necessary to strengthen the legal status of the human rights institutions, their closer interaction with authorities, civil associations to identify the reasons of violations of the rights and to increase the level of their protection.
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